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~ An excellent 1:5 teacher to child ratio (1:7 in our Pre-K program) with manageable class sizes;

~ The opportunity to experience concepts in all developmental areas through books, manipulatives, process art, music &  movement, group times, and a wide variety of sensory experiences;

~ A curriculum designed to develop physical and social-emotional skills and to increase spiritual awareness;

~ A positive, ever-changing, learning environment that will create a strong foundation for life-long learning and academic success when starting kindergarten.


Diapering & Potty Training

*Students do not have to be potty trained to enroll at Grace Preschool.


Potty Training is provided at Grace Preschool! We understand that each child develops at their own pace and are here to help support your family during this transition. Grace Preschool is happy to provide diapering services for those little ones who are not quite ready for independent pottying. The cost is an additional $25 a month* until the time your child is able to stay dryat school on their own. If you would like, our trained staff will work with you and your child to help accomplish this goal. Please speak to your teacher for more details and to plan for your child's individual needs.

 *Diaper sizes 1-6 are available and provided by Grace Preschool.

Early Drop-off Option


A 8:30 AM drop-off on the playground is offered for those who find it useful on those busy mornings. Families may stay with their student until 8:45AM, or drop-off and leave if needed. Staff will be outdoors to supervise all early arrivals and ensure they enter their classroom.


Lunch Bunch


For a small fee of $20/day, we offer what we call,"Lunch Bunch." It is an optional extended hours lunch program from 11:45 AM-1:30 PM, Monday-Friday during the school year (some exceptions) for mixed age children. Students will have the opportunity to eat a lunch packed from home, socialize, and partake in a variety of activities. Art, Games, Science & Sensory, etc.



2 - 2.5 Years Old & 2.5-3 Years Old

2-2.5 Years Old: Tues/Thurs ($391/month)

2.5 - 3 years old: Mon/Wed ($391/month**) or Tues/Thurs ($391/month)

8:45 AM - 11:45 AM


​This 2-3 year old program is created as an introduction to an independent social setting. It is designed to give the child a gentle, protected environment that will allow them opportunities to try out their emerging social skills. The teacher guides them to demonstrate appropriate behaviors while interacting with peers as they continue to develop their individual personalities. Children are introduced to the joys of school with games, stories, songs, and process art experiences using a wide variety of materials.


Potty training is not required. Our school provides diapering services for a fee. See information below.

**Beginning in January, families will have the opportunity to add on an optional Friday to their schedule if their child is ready to add more consistency to their week.


3-4 Years Old

Must be 3 years old by September 1

Tues/Thurs ($391/month*) or Mon/Wed/Fri  ($543/month*) or Mon-Fri ($706/month*)

8:45 AM - 11:45 AM


Our goal for the 3 year old class is to develop an increased confidence in their ability to do things for themselves and others. At this age, children also develop a great curiosity for the magic power of written and spoken language. Grace provides a positive interactive experience fostering these progressing academic skills while considering  the child's individual creative expressions. Guided by the children's interests, we inevitably produce a platform for further discovery and exploration extensions on a wide variety of topics. This particular program has activities designed to further challenge cognitive skills and encourage children to master tasks which are developmentally appropriate for their physical and social development.

*This program is designed for children who WILL NOT be entering kindergarten next year.


4-5 Years Old Pre-Kindergarte

Must be 4 years old by September 1

4 day option  ($666/month) or 5 Day option ($756/month)

8:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Our Pre-Kindergarten program is designed for children who will be old enough to enter kindergarten the following school year. These classes have curriculum designed specifically for students to discover the basic concepts necessary for life skills such as language and literacy, basic math readiness, and science exploration & discovery.


We also work on following step by step directions, improving focus & concentration, problem solving while finding solutions, partake in group work, continue to build both gross and fine-motor skill development, and learn how to demonstrate socially appropriate behavior within a classroom setting. This class has a greater depth of curriculum then our preschool courses. Number and Letter recognition guidelines necessary for Kindergarten will be met.


* Rates reflect the 2023-2024 school year

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